Course Descriptions

Special Coding System
F Course will be offered Fall Semester
S Course will be offered Spring Semester
SS Course will be offered Summer Semester
D Course will be offered when sufficient students and instructor are available.

The numbers to the right of the course title represent the following: class hours, lab hours, and credit hours. For example:

ENG 241 British Literature I 3 0 3

In order to determine contact hours, add class hours and lab hours.

For example:

CIS 110 Introduction to Computers 2 2 3

Two class hours plus two lab hours equal four contact hours. If no prerequisite is listed, none is required.

In addition to the listed prerequisites, all students enrolling in college-level courses must demonstrate competency by achieving satisfactory scores on either the CPT, SAT, ACT, or the relevant proficiency assessment.

ACA Academic Related
ACC Accounting
AGR Agriculture
ANT Anthropology
AST Astronomy
ATR Automation and Robotics
AUB Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology
AUT Automotive
BIO Biology
BMT Biomedical Equipment
BUS Business
CET Computer Engineering Technology
CHM Chemistry
CIS Information Systems
CJC Criminal Justice
COM Communication
COS Cosmetology
CSC Computer Science
CTI Computer Technology Integration
CTS Computer Information Technology
CUL Culinary
CVS Cardiovascular Sonography
DBA Database Management Technology
DFT Drafting
DMA Developmental Mathematics
DRA Drama/Theatre
DRE Developmental Reading/English
ECO Economics
EDU Education
EGR Engineering
ELC Electrical
ELN Electronics
ENG English
EPT Emergency Preparedness
FIP Fire Protection
GEL Geology
GEO Geography
HEA Health
HIS History
HOR Horticulture
HMT Healthcare Management
HRM Hotel & Restaurant Management
HUM Humanities
HYD Hydraulics
INT International Business
Industrial Science
LEX Legal Education
LOG Logistics Management
LSG Landscape Gardening
MAT Mathematics
MEC Mechanical
MED Medical Assisting
MKT Marketing and Retailing
MUS Music
NAS Nursing Assistant
NET Networking Technology
NMT Nuclear Medicine
NOS Networking Operating Systems
NUR Nursing
OPH Ophthalmic Medical Assistant
OST Office Administration
PED Physical Education
PET Positron Emission Tomography
PHI Philosophy
PHY Physics
POL Political Science
POR Portuguese
PSY Psychology
PTA Physical Therapy
RAD Radiography
REL Religion
SEC Information Systems Security
SEL Selected Topics
SEM Seminar
SLP Speech-Language Pathology
SOC Sociology
SON Medical Sonography
SPA Spanish
TRF Turfgrass
TRN Transportation Technology
WBL Work-Based Learning
WEB Web Technologies
WLD Welding