General Information

Continuing Education and Workforce Development courses are offered at all college facilities in both Caldwell and Watauga Counties. Courses are also held at off-campus locations in both counties.


Admission is open to individuals 18 years of age or individuals whose regular high school class has graduated.


Registration fees are required for occupational training and self-supporting courses. Textbooks or special materials may be purchased from the campus bookstore. Additional fees may be charged in certain courses. A campus access fee is assessed for every course held on campus.

To Enroll

Registration dates may be found in the front of the college catalog under Academic Calendar. Semester schedules are available on the college website or a printed copy is available upon request to the Continuing Education and Workforce Development Department. The college reserves the right to cancel any course when insufficient numbers are registered. Applicants are admitted on a first come, first served basis. Students may register in person any Tuesday from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. at the Continuing Education and Workforce Development Office on either campus and at the first class session, if space is available. Parking permits are available at the time of registration. See Academic Calendar for current registration dates and holidays.

You may also register online for certain Continuing Education and Workforce Development courses at If you are a prior student and have had a change in your demographic information, you must contact one of the Continuing Education and Workforce Development offices (Hudson 828-726-2242 or Watauga 828-297-3811) to update your information in our computer system. Making any changes during the online registration process will not update your information.

Refund Policy

Students registered for an occupational training course who officially withdraw prior to the first day of class will be eligible for a 100 percent refund, if requested. Students who officially withdraw on the first day of class or by the 10 percent date of the class will be eligible for a 75 percent refund, if requested. (Students enrolled in a multi-entry/multi-exit class who officially withdraw on the first day of class or within 10 calendar days of the first class meeting are eligible for a 75 percent refund, if requested). Students registered for an occupational training course that is canceled for any reason by the dean will automatically be issued a 100 percent refund. To receive a refund, a student must complete and sign a continuing education drop/refund form and have the dean sign for the course(s) being dropped. Refunds may take up to six weeks to process and are mailed to the student.

Attendance/Grading System

A course syllabus will be distributed by the instructor to include attendance policies at the beginning of each course. Students will be held responsible for understanding all attendance and classroom rules issued by the instructor. Numerical and/or letter grades will be given for occupational training classes requiring certification. All other continuing education grades will be recorded as follows:

A Excellent S Satisfactory
B Above Average U Unsatisfactory
C Average W Withdrawn
D Below Average
F Failing

Student Records/Transcripts

Student records and transcripts can be reviewed by students for accuracy and may be picked up in person by presenting a signed request in the Student Services office. Certificates are given for the satisfactory completion of some occupational training courses. CCC&TI adheres to the Family Privacy Rights Act and assures all students that their records will remain confidential. The college has the right to release information which may include the following:

  • student’s name
  • date of birth
  • address
  • telephone number
  • dates of attendance

Rules and Regulations

All the rules and regulations of the college under “Student Conduct and Responsibilities” will be adhered to by Continuing Education and Workforce Development students.