
CCC&TI offers an educational opportunity at a minimum cost to the student. Tuition fees are set by the North Carolina General Assembly and are subject to change without notice. Current tuition amounts are as follows:

In-state students

16 credit hours or more $1,216.00
Part-time students per semester hour $76.00

Out-of-state students

16 credit hours $4288.00
Part-time students per semester hour $268.00

Tuition for High School Students

High school students taking college credit courses under Career and College Promise provisions are exempt from applicable tuition for certain classes. Contact Student Services for more information. Activity fees are also charged to students enrolled through Career and College Promise, Caldwell Early College High School and Caldwell Career Center Middle College.

Tuition for Students Enrolled in More Than One Institution

If a student desires to enroll for the same semester at two or more institutions of the community college system, the total amount of tuition shall not exceed the maximum tuition. When enrolled at the second institution, the student must produce his/her validated registration receipt in order to waive any payment of tuition. Activity fees will be charged. It is the student’s responsibility to see that transcripts are sent to the “home” institution at the completion of the semester. Students using financial aid must also contact the Director of Financial Aid prior to the term of dual-enrollment.

Tuition for Students Under the Age of 16

Any student enrolled under the age of 16 (with the exception of Career and College Promise, Caldwell Early College and Middle College students) shall pay standard tuition and any applicable fees for the course.

Tuition for Senior Citizens

Effective July 1, 2017, Any person who is at least 65 years old may audit courses offered at the community colleges as defined in G.S. 115D-2(2) without payment of any required registration fee or tuition. A person shall be allowed to audit a class under this section only on a space available basis. This tuition waiver does not apply to audits of courses provided on a self-supporting basis by community colleges. Audited courses are not eligible for financial aid and do not count towards fulfilling graduation requirements.

Tuition for Inmates

Prison or correctional unit inmates will be exempt from the payment of tuition or activity fees.

Summer Tuition/Fees

During summer semester, students enrolled as Career and College Promise and employees of CCC&TI may pay tuition and fees for certain classes. Contact Student Services for a complete list.